In this classic tale of adventure and curiosity, a little caterpillar goes on a quest to understand why he can't fly like the butterflies. On his eventful journey, he soon learns the importance of timing and patience.
Sherrie M. Gibbs was born and raised in the small town of Delhi, near the beautiful Poverty Point State Park located in the state of Louisiana. Gibbs considers her faith and family to be most important to her. When Sherrie is not writing, you can find her spending time with her friends and family. She loves to write and began writing as a young child. Before becoming a published author, Sherrie wrote and performed songs for live audiences, and for radio play. Sherrie has a heart for helping others, and is currently pursuing a degree in Psychology and looks forward to working closely with children. She is also a motivational speaker and is the founder of Silver Linings Book Club. Lafaya’s Wings is her first children’s book.
To find out more about Sherrie M. Gibbs please email her at
Lafaya's Wings by Sherrie M Gibbs
Paperback; 6x9; 35 illustrated pages